Diet & Exercise (BBG)

So I’ve always been good at eating healthy, but now I’m stepping it up a bit by actually doing set workouts haha. I’m still continuing my active lifestyle, including climbing every week (which I’ve now finally started doing 3x a week like all the legit climbers I know), but now I am also following a fitness plan. I decided to do Kayla Istine’s BBG because of all the amazing before and after pictures I’ve seen on Instagram of regular girls trying BBG.

So yeah, first day of that was today. I opted to not do the practice weeks which she included for people who have a fairly sedentary life. While I do have a desk job, I figured I’m active enough outside of work to do fine in her exercises. And I was right. They were challenging, but at the perfect level and intensity for me. I felt awesome when I was finished. The gym had the A/C on full blast and I was cold when I first walked in. But by the time I’d finished the workout, the back of my tank was soaked in sweat. I can’t wait to see better defined abs in three months time!

Kayla also has a diet plan along with the workout. Because I’ve never had trouble with preparing my own healthy meals, I’m only loosely following hers, mostly because she eats a lot of milk and meat products and I don’t really. I can’t have too much milk so I avoid cheese and yogurt, and I’m just lazy about cooking meat haha. But I did buy chicken to try with one of her recipes. Some of the meals she makes, though, are things I make anyway like avacado toast and quinoa, so that is why I did decide to loosely follow it rather than do away with it completely. It also is giving me new meal ideas so I don’t eat the same stuff over and over!


Anyway, here is the buttload of fruits and veggies I bought this weekend in preparation! Yay, healthy eating ❤

So, off topic, but I’m also hardcore studying Japanese. That started at the beginning of October as well! The next three months are going to be super intense. But I really need to be more productive in my free time, and this is a great way to do it I think. Anyway, so today I wanted to go play volleyball with coworkers after work, but I have sooo much Japanese still to study for today, plus some from yesterday I didn’t finish… >.>

So I told myself I can’t play volleyball until I finish the Japanese. I feel like a kid again, not being able to play outside until I finish my homework.That was a legit struggle my entire childhood because I LOVED playing outside and anytime I wasn’t doing homework or chores, I was outside. Do kids even play outside anymore? I hope so! I know when I hit high school I hardly went outside anymore if it wasn’t for swim team. I’m glad I got back into it. Now – I need to stop blogging so I can study and play outside! 🙂