Climbing in the Rain

Last weekend I went hiking and recorded the best activity I have yet on my Fitbit! I spent 3 hours pushing my way through thorns and strange plants and got covered in mud and scrapes. I even bled a bit! Also, at one point my legs felt like they were on fire so I freaked out, thinking I’d brushed against some poison ivy, and dumped the rest of the my water over them. In addition, this entire time it had been lightly sprinkling on and off and ominous thunder kept rumbling. The sky was dark and dangerous looking, like it could start pouring at any minute.

Anyway, this entire time I was actually trying to find my friends who were climbing somewhere in the area. I finally did find them and although they were tired from climbing all day, they got me all suited up to do a climb. We chose a nice 5.9 for me and right as I tied the rope to my harness, the sky broke and rain started falling. I immediately hopped up on the rock, but it only got worse as I climbed. Climbing in the rain is extremely dangerous and most professional climbers have never done it. I didn’t realize how quickly the rock would get wet and how slick it would become. I slipped twice, but luckily my belayer had my back. I finally conquered it and my friends took a picture of me at the top. I was soaking wet. But I had a blast!


I was slightly worried about my drenched Fitbit, but it still works fine! So that proves its claim to be water resistant. Lately I have also been running a three mile loop around my neighborhood. It has been very humid lately with all this rain so I’ve been sweating like crazy. My Fitbit also gets wet from my sweat but so far is still in perfect condition. It makes me so happy. I’ve grown to love this little piece of rubber/plastic. So I’d definitely recommend it!

Here’s my beautiful first all green Fitbit log!




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