Acai and Climbing

Today was the first time (that I can recall) that I tried acai! I’ve been hearing about it forever and always think of it as that fruit that super-healthy and super-fit people eat all the time. Especially acai bowls. And that is just what I got to try!

Luckily, thanks to my obsession with Facebook, I found out about an awesome event near me. A local recently-opened juice and yogurt cafe was giving out free acai bowls! I clicked the “Going” button. Minutes later, I saw my best friend post that she was “Interested” in it, so I messaged her asking if she wanted to go together and she agreed. Yay, acai bowls!

Ever eager, I decided we would get there thirty minutes early in case there was a long line. But we ended up being the first ones in line. People slowly trickled in after us, though, and we commented on how it was all groups of girls and everyone appeared super fit. The stereotype is real! We were given two flavors to choose from, and both ended up deciding on the same one. I wanted to try the other one as well, but it had coconut as a topping and I’m not fond of coconut…


By the time we had gotten our bowls, the line had grown like crazy and stretched across three of the neighboring shops. We sat outside and happily munched our bowls. They were delicious!! This is definitely a food I want to eat more. I already love smoothies and this was exactly like a smoothie, just in a bowl and topped with even more fruit and some granola. It was Heaven. 🙂 Next I’ll try to make one at home. Apparently you can buy frozen acai at Whole Foods, so I’m definitely making a trip there in the near future.

To make this day even better and even more perfect for an active person like me, a new climbing gym was celebrating its grand opening! I was beyond excited and right after I finished my bowl, I said goodbye to my friend and sped off to the gym.

After purchasing a day pass and going through the orientation, I was free to climb to my heart’s content. I tried everything,even the kiddy area. There were bouldering walls, a top-rope section with both manual and auto-belays, lead climbing, and a cave with some ceiling bouldering! I ran into a friend of mine who I’d met at the gym I frequent, and he belayed me so I could test the manual belays. The best part was, on the bouldering wall, you could top out onto a second-story lounge and fitness area. So cool!


My friends joined me later and we had fun monkeying around. There was also a famous climber there signing posters, so I had her sign one for me and she told me I looked really familiar to her and asked if we’d met before. Whoa.

The gym was amazing. It even has a rock wall that’s angle can be changed. So not only do you get whole new routes, you get a different incline of the wall! I would love to come back and climb again sometime. The only downside is that a membership or day pass is a little pricey for me (today’s event was a super discounted rate). So I’m not too sure how often I’ll come… But man, all that ceiling bouldering and the huge rope wall made it so worth it.


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