Bread, Slacklining, and AcroYoga

So I found this recipe online for a banana avocado chocolate bread. I LOVE LOVE LOVE avocados so I decided I HAD to make this bread. I had an avocado I was going to use for it, but I ended up eating it, so when I got up Friday morning and went to make the bread, I realized I needed an avocado. So I hopped on my bike and rode over to the store to buy one.

And it turned out avocados were on sale 3/$1! I brought my avocado over to the cash register to check out, and the cashier guy scanned my avocado. It came up as 34 cents, so I handed him my only change, a five dollar bill. The cash register’s money tray popped open and I heard him jangling some coins, but I wasn’t paying attention.

Then he said, “I’ve got you,” and handed me back my $5 along with the avocado. I was so pleasantly surprised and thanked him. He made my day! 🙂


The bread ended up tasting kind of like a brownie or cake. A little too sweet for what I was expecting, but delicious nonetheless! It was really hard to stop eating… >.>

The next day, Saturday, was the slackline festival! I had a really, really fun day, albeit exhausting, and I got a bit of a sun burn as well. The festival consisted of various slacklining and yoga classes. I have a slackline that I practice on occasionally, but so far I can only stand on it and take a few steps. I have not yet mastered the ability to walk completely across the line in one go. There must have been around thirty slacklines set up, though, so I was ecstatic having this huge playground to romp around in. By the end of the festival that evening, my feet were raw from spending the day hopping on and off slacklines.


My favorite part of the day was the therapeutic acroyoga class I took! It was all about using acroyoga as a form of healing and de-stress. I had never done acroyoga before, so I was a little nervous, but mainly excited because I’ve always seen people do it and thought it looked cool. But I thought I could never do it because I’m not very flexible and not as light as a feather. But I was able to do it! I found that I love being what is called a “flier”. I love being raised up on the person who is the “base”‘s feet. They usually lie on their back and lift you up on their feet, with either your stomach or butt resting on their feet. Then you can lie down on their feet or sit on their feet and be upside down or do yoga poses or basically whatever you want! It felt so freeing to be up in the air with the wind blowing against me and my arms outstretched, gazing around at the festival happening around me.

After the class, a professional acroyogi found me and let me fly on him while he took me through an entire therapeutic sequence. He was very nice and patient telling me what to do with my body while he moved his feet around me, balancing me up in the air. I found out I could bend in so many ways I never thought I could! Albeit, I was extremely sore the next day, but with practice I know my body will adjust. Acroyoga is definitely my newest obsession and I plan to attend the jams he hosts every week. So I’ll let you all know how I progress!

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